Hey folks! 👋

I’m Isaac. I’m a programmer, writer and YouTuber.

Welcome! This is where I talk about personal finance, tech, entrepreneurship and general self-improvement.

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Explore my recent articles

The aim of this blog is to share my knowledge and experiences in the worlds of personal finance, tech, entrepreneurship and productivity. I spend a lot of time researching new things and gathering ideas for articles, and this is just somewhere for me to document my process and hopefully teach you something new!

Clay piggy bank

🎯 How to Set and Achieve Financial Goals

Setting and achieving financial goals is an important part of building a healthy financial future. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals,

A black and white ship is docked by a factory port

Notes on a Burning Kingdom

London. Saturday, July 16th, 2022. 11:27am. It’s currently 23°C, though BBC Weather claims that it’ll reach 28°C by 4pm, and Monday and Tuesday will have

Before you go...

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